48 Hours: The Ultimate Palm Springs Shopping Spree!

All you need is a two-day Palm Springs shopping spree -- to treasure hunt for yourself, friends, and family; dine in good taste, sleep in style, and Insta-pose at the hippest backdrops. Designer boutiques, the best retro shops on the planet, and unique gift shops combine with stylish bars and…

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The Couple behind Artist Shag

Jay Nailor and MiShell Modern, owners of The Shag Store Artist Shag! His works epitomize the Palm Springs lifestyle. Hip. Retro-modern. Stylish. From crazy cool prints and paintings to posters for events from Modernism to Gay Pride – the 2020 Modernism Week Poster by artist Shag is newly released…

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Vintage Shop ‘Til You Drop

Marilyn flirted here. Sinatra charmed our socks off. Judy Garland found us over the rainbow. Palm Springs is a time capsule of style, sophistication, and vintage iconography. To live like the legends, you need to shop like them, and our hometown delivers rare and wondrous finds to immerse you in…

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Seaplane Shirts Will Make You Radiant

Beauty is skin deep, but sometimes it has trouble shining through the everyday façade. To cull the dazzling wonders that simmer beneath the surface, it takes a keen eye. “There are 10,000 colors in your iris,” analyzes Schuyler Brown. “We use that, and we use skin tone and hair color, creatively…

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Brandini Toffee - Simply the best

Our Story - Brandini Toffee It takes guts, gumption, and drive to start a business. And it takes hard work to grow it into an establishment that’s not just popular in the city where you begin but far and wide. Palm Springs has many successful small businesses that are growing and gaining…

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Meet Wil Stiles

Distinct one-of-a-kind clothing Our lives are peppered with joyful memories that inspire us to look back fondly and hope for the future. Moments like falling in love, getting promoted, the birth of a child… or, in the case of Wil Stiles, all of the above rolled into one. “We had decided, ‘Hey, let’s…

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Spotlight on Destination PSP

Meet Destination PSP Owner Jeffrey Bernstein No kidding. Since Jeffrey Bernstein founded Destination PSP in 2012, the store has revolutionized souvenir shopping in Palm Springs and throughout the Coachella Valley. “I wanted to send gifts home from Palm Springs that reflected the city’s mid-century…

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Meet Brandon and Stephen of Towne Palm Springs

“We’re men about town,” Brandon Hoskins says with a twinkle in his eye. That’s how he likes to describe himself and his partner Stephen Wilson. And so they are – as interior designers and co-owners of one of Palm Springs’ premiere interior décor boutiques, frequented by locals, visitors, and fellow…

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