Summer Food and Cocktails

Experiences have flavor. Conjure up your favorite vacation moments and savor the associations simmering in your senses. Most likely, you remember the morsels that expanded your horizons and the beverages that washed down a well-lived life. Palm Springs sunshine is paired with summer food and the…

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Uniquely Palm Springs: The Tastes

Discover the Locally Owned Restaurants of Palm Springs Taste. It’s a simple word that connotes a smorgasbord of different meanings: your individual style, your threshold for experimentation, your discernment of unexpected variations in sweetness, saltiness, and acidity… But in Palm Springs, taste is…

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Miro’s: Authentic European Cuisine

Yelp calls it one of the best three restaurants in Palm Springs. Trip Advisor argues that it’s in the Top Two. But Miro’s restaurant owner has another name for it… “I can call it home.” Miro Terzic has harvested accolades as fresh and vibrant as his ingredients, but when asked how he got started in…

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A little slice of Mexico at Las Casuelas Terraza

Love and sustenance go hand in hand. They nurture us, give us purpose, and provide us the strength we need to conquer the world outside of our immediate circle of relatives. Family feeds us, in more ways than one. Some restaurants tout their commitment to heritage, but Las Casuelas Terraza lives it…

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