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Submit Your Deal

It’s easy! Simply fill in the form describing your deal. Submit a new form for each deal or offer.

About Your Deal

This will be visible on the deal page.

Tell visitors all about your deal!
Type the name of a business, name of a popular venue, or just use a street address where the deal may be redeemed.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload an image in JPG or PNG format. File size may not exceed 2MB. The ideal dimensions for your image are 500x500px.
Let people know how and where to redeem the offer. Make this as clear as possible to avoid confusion.
You may leave the default disclaimer text, or edit the disclaimer to suit your specific terms and conditions.

Business Information

If your business is already listed on VisitPalmSprings.com, your deal will show up on your business’ profile page.

This phone number will be shown on the deal page.

Submit Your Event