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Brandini Toffee – Simply the best

Our Story – Brandini Toffee

It takes guts, gumption and drive to start a business. And it takes hard work to grow it into an establishment that’s not jut popular in the city where you begin, but far and wide.  Palm Springs has many successful small businesses that are growing and gaining country-wide attention.

While many locals know the story of the two high schoolers who launched this company from their kitchen, many visitors may not know the story of Brandini Toffee. So we asked co-founder Brandon Weimer so talk to us about what makes Palm Springs such a great place, and what drives them to keep impressing visitors and locals alike.

Brandini Toffee – Simply the best

It Started With A Trip to Italy

It was a trip to Italy that launched Palm Springs’ most famous confection. In 2006, Brandon and his best pal Leah Post wanted to go on a high school class trip to Italy, but of course they needed funds. In their home kitchens they whipped up batches of crunchy, sweet and salty toffee and started selling it. Within just months of launching their plan, they’d met their fundraising goal. Once they returned, the duo realized they had a popular product on their hands and a local Palm Springs business was born.

Brandini Toffee

Pictured: Toffee Milkshake, Almond Toffee, Toffee Popcorn, Toffee Bits, Toffee Ice Cream Toppers and Toffee Crusted Ice Cream Bar

“Our hometown is where Brandini Toffee all started,” explains Weimer. “While I’d like to think we have the potential to expand much greater, this community will always get credit for supporting our mission since day one.  We have relied solely on our product, word of mouth, and our customers to help us grow.”

Locally Owned and Loved

When locals stop by they can often be relied upon to bring their out of town friends, and so there are now plenty of visitors who make sure to include a stop at Brandini Toffee before they head home, a tradition Weimer is grateful for.   

“The tourist market has been huge for our company. We do very little advertising and therefore rely on people within the community — hotels, restaurants, etc. — to help promote us.  We pride ourselves on being a product of the Palm Springs area and want people to know that Brandini Toffee is a must try/buy when visiting,” says Weimer.

Of course running a business where your product is heat-sensitive in the middle of the California desert is not without its challenges. 

Bandini bar

“We joke that being a chocolate company in the middle of the desert is almost an oxymoron,” says Weimer. “From a heat standpoint, this makes shipping and logistics challenging.  We have always struggled with safely shipping our chocolate products during the summer and are still working on solutions.” 

Weimer is obviously optimistic and enthusiastic when asked about these challenges, and is pragmatic when asked to offer advice to others who may one day start their own business.

“Quite simply I think it takes a good idea and hard work.  Running a business is never easy but it is beyond rewarding.  Passion should be your fuel and get you through the hard obstacles.  We are constantly learning and never seem to know enough.  I advise people to find advice. You don’t need to know all of the answers, simply know the right questions. Also, leverage Google!  We have an unlimited amount of information literally in our back pocket.”

If you’ve yet to experience Brandini Toffee’s creamy toffee base, decadent dark chocolate layer and crunchy almond dusting, be warned: this stuff is addictive!  

Brandini Toffee | 132 S. Palm Canyon Drive 

Brandini Toffee

Meet Crystal Fantasy Owner: Joy Meredith

Gifts of nature, fantasy, and spirit at Crystal Fantasy

The human soul is difficult to define but impossible to deny. It aligns our body and mind, reconciles our past with our future, and guides us to where we are truly meant to be…

Namely Crystal Fantasy, one of the most transcendent destinations in Palm Springs.

“I really do think that Palm Springs is a magical place,” opines owner Joy Meredith. “I loved it from the moment that I got off the plane,” Joy speaks with a Chicago accent that is simultaneously direct and charming. “My parents lived here, so I came here to visit them, and I never left.”

Memories are like symphonies to Ms. Meredith, who sings them with enthusiasm and frivolity. “I just remember standing at the top of the stairs, and the blue sky was 360 degrees all around, and it was a shade of blue I never saw before, and I just fell in love.”

Joy not only draws inspiration from her surroundings; she fully identifies with the majestic landscape that envelops her. “Look at the wildflowers that will be coming up soon and just the fact that so many plants could live through the trials and tribulations of the summer here and how they just make it through all the difficult times somehow and yet end up blossoming. I think that that is how I feel about myself. You go through a lot of hard things, but somehow, you come out of it with some beautiful blossoms! I think that’s why I love Palm Springs.”

She translates that love into her harmonic vocation: “I was introduced to crystals and a new age way of living, and it just became a part of me! At some point, my husband said something like, ‘My god, you have so many rocks, why don’t you just open a store?’ And so I did!”

Crystal Fantasy

Crystal Fantasy Rocks On A Roll

Those rocks are on a roll; Joy’s hobby has grown into a thriving business in the heart of downtown. “Generally, crystal shops are small. We started small in a 500 square foot store, then went to an 1,100, but our space now is 4,800 square feet.”

No, that’s not a typo. Rather, it’s a sprawling spectacle inviting spiritual enthusiasts from Southern California. “At Crystal Fantasy, we offer something that is not only uniquely Palm Springs, but I don’t think it’s really offered anywhere else—ANYwhere else, actually. We have mediums and psychics and crystal healers and reiki healers who are all offering their services for no fee.”

To Joy, every visitor is a beloved client, each as unique as their chosen life path. “I think that what people can expect there is a very personalized service. Y’know, people don’t generally come to our store just because they’re looking for something to match their new couch. They usually come in for a specific, heartfelt reason… We really talk to them a lot about what’s going on in their lives and their needs.”

Crystal Fantasy

It’s a clientele as varied as the inventory in Crystal Fantasy. “We have things in the store from $2 to $30,000, so we think that we have a good range and that there’s something for everybody.”

Locally Owned and Loved

So, how does Joy maintain such a bustling yet intimate business? She depends on the kindness of her neighbors. “One of the things I always like to say is that the locals are my bread and butter, and the tourists are the icing on my cake. If you have a strong base of locals who support your business, that is what will carry you through the hard times, the hot times, all the times that the economy gets weak… A tourist may only come here once a year or once maybe in their lifetime, and then next year they’re going to Florida or Paris or wherever, but if you can build a good relationship with locals, that is the basis of our store, for sure. It’s very important to us.”

Sense of Community

Another priority and passion for Joy Meredith is her undying sense of community. When asked about her voluminous affiliations, she takes a deep breath and reels them off joyfully. “I’m president of Main Street Palm Springs, the merchants’ association, and I’ve been on that board since 1992. I am vice president of the Police Advisory Board, a founding member, and I’ve been on that board since 1997. I’m on the Bureau of Tourism board, I’m on the Homelessness Task Force, I am a Villagefest commissioner.”

Chrystal Fantasy

Joy interrupts herself as she scrolls through the invisible calendar in her mind, quipping, “Sorry, I’m trying to go by what day of the week everything happens. So, I try to be very active in the community because I love this community! I live here; I work here, and my children were born here. My grandchildren and my great grandchildren are all from here, so it’s a lot of fun for me.”

Crystal Fantasy is, indeed, a family business, but it’s hard to see where the perimeter of Joy’s relatives end and her community bonds begin. She embraces Palm Springs with every sentiment, extending her wisdom to fellow entrepreneurs with sage words of advice: “One of our slogans that I try to tell the other merchants is ‘Don’t Compete; Be Unique.’ And that’s the key to it… Just try to offer something that comes from your heart, and that’s always gonna be something different than the next person.”

Asking the impossible, we request a crystallizing final thought from Joy Meredith, and she delivers heartily. “It is an experience. We try to offer an experience that is just an extension of who I am, and I hope the people love that, because I love them.”

Ever pensive, Joy reflects on the words she has just uttered, doubling down on their earnestness. “I don’t know, that might be too mushy, but I really do feel that way.”

And we really do feel the same, mushy or not. Thank you, Joy – Namaste.

Crystal Fantasy  | 268 N. Palm Canyon | 760.322.7799

By Kevin Perry

Ever wondered what inspired the colorful look of the Saguaro?

Saguaro Palm Springs Colors

Look no further than the California desert and its indigenous wildflowers for the 14 striking hues. The pattern and design of the Saguaro Palm Springs colors was the invention of Peter Stamberg and Paul Aferiat of Stamberg Aferiat in New York.  They used the colors found in the flora of the Mojave Desert to create the Saguaro Palm Springs color pallet. The colors of plants and flowers in the Sonoran Desert set the foundation for the design. Widely-known for their use of color in design, Stamberg Aferiat chosen Saguaro colors have made the property iconic to travelers, social media mavens, and design fans from around the globe.

Mojave Desert Color Pallet

Colors of Saguaro Palm Springs

The Saguaro Palm Springs exterior colors have been translated into the design of its 244 guest rooms.  The hotel’s lobby is brightly colored furniture by Long Beach based designer Eric Trine. This follows the 2017 repainting of the Saguaro’s exterior using the original color palette in a collaboration with Dunn-Edwards Paints.

Saguaro Palm Springs

Explore the desert on a cruiser bike, relax during a spa treatment, take a yoga session, or sway your afternoon away in a rainbow-colored hammock while your friends play bocce nearby. During the weekend, the poolside bar serves breakfast, appetizers—like almond-crusted local Coachella dates—and tacos. It’s worth extending your trip just to take advantage of Taco Tuesday and Thursday (“because one day is not enough”) at the hotel’s main restaurant, El Jefe.

To make a reservation, please visit thesaguaro.com/palm-springs or dial 760-323-1711.


Meet Wil Stiles

Distinct one-of-a-kind clothing

By Kevin Perry

Our lives are peppered with joyful memories that inspire us to look back fondly and hope for the future. Moments like falling in love, getting promoted, the birth of a child… or, in the case of Wil Stiles, all of the above rolled into one.

“We had decided, ‘Hey, let’s just open the doors and do a full day’s worth of work, and it’ll officially be the day that we’re open.’” These are the recollections of the shop’s titular owner, who continues, “And it was the first day of the AIDS Walk, which was pretty cool. There was a marching band outside, and it just gave us this small-town vibe, which was great.”

Palm Springs: A Perfect Fit for Wil Stiles

Palm Springs was the perfect fit for the fashionista, who says, ” It felt very serendipitous, y’know? All that positive energy that’s here in the town. It just happened. Carol Channing was over there sitting underneath the awning at the flower shop with this marching band playing for the people who were doing the AIDS Walk. It was pretty awesome. That day made us feel like we made a good decision.”

Wil Stiles

And he made a decision with his partner-in-couture, wife Molly Bondhus. “She was a clothing designer, and she was showing me some pictures of some cool mid-century houses that just happened to be in Palm Springs. So, one July, we made a visit out here, and the two of us made an offer on a house the first week we were here. That was like 15 years ago.”

Molly and Wil Stiles had already established their effervescent style but were still relying on collaborators to get their brand off the shelves and into the world. “We were working in Los Angeles all the time, but I didn’t like to spend all those days on end just killing time between appointments and plane flights. The fashion industry moves a little slow sometimes.”

So, they took a reflective step back to make a giant leap forward in Palm Springs.

“We just came here to have our own little private retreat and sort of melt into the city,” Stiles luxuriates. “It was the mountains and the promise of warmth and the architecture. The people were very open and friendly, and it wasn’t the same kind of vibe you get in the rest of the larger metropolitan areas in Southern California. People had time to slow down enough and be friendly. It’s got a small-town kind of Hooterville thing. We like that.”

Wil and Molly Stiles

Joining The Uptown Design District

Wil’s enthusiasm immediately began trending, much like his signature looks. He found himself among fast friends, and their support bolstered his confidence as a new business owner and a Palm Springs tastemaker. “Ten years ago, we opened, probably around the same time Trio opened. So we kinda stepped into this little neighborhood when this new, hot restaurant was opening, and we were this new little clothing store, and it was very symbiotic. Like Tony Marchese and Mark Van Laanen, we had this whole thing where we energized each other, being entrepreneurial. We weren’t the only ones diving in.”

A Bright Color Pallet

But Wil Stiles has made a definite splash. His color schemes brighten the local fashion landscape while perfectly amplifying the existing Palm Springs aesthetic. “People come into Palm Springs, and they love the mid-century architecture, they love the idea of the past, and some of that’s in our store. We’ll see some pieces that scream 1960’s, and we’ll have some 70’s glamour, Studio 54 kind of stuff. We’ll have a finely tailored men’s suit that looks like someone would have worn it in 1950.”

A stylist for the ages, Wil  Stiles, narrates, “We curate clothing from all decades. Everything’s mashing together now because there are really no rules in fashion, officially.”

But the one faux pas he refuses to make is wearing boring clothes. “If it’s basic, I tend to pass on it. I don’t really notice it, so we don’t buy a lot of basic.”

Neither bound by time nor space, Stiles draws inspiration from the global catwalk. “We like to buy brands that are from all over the world. We design our own line of shirts now, and we have these exclusively in our store.” Harnessing his wild side, Wil Stiles adds, “We recently designed a line of leather women’s clothing, and people are coming to the store just for that.”

A Little Edgy

Don’t be frightened by the edgy side of Stiles. He repeatedly affirms his commitment to a sunny design disposition. “Fashion can be kind of intimidating, but we like to keep it really cheerful, warm, friendly and fun and upbeat,” he beams. “It’s our job to have fun with it, and then our clients come in from all over the country and all over the world. Some of them are jetsetters. It’s our job to entertain them. Even though they may live in New York, they’ll come into our store and see things they’ve never seen.”

Word Of Mouth Is Music

Word of mouth is music to Wil’s ears, and he depends on customer satisfaction to act as a beacon to his storefront. “We don’t really advertise; our customers are our advertising. So I really want people to leave with stuff that they’re really, truly happy with and they’re enthusiastic about. And every time they put it on, they get compliments and feel good. When people return to the store and tell me what’s happened, we know we’ve done a good job.”

Wil Stiles

It’s a commitment to excellence that drives Stiles personally and communally. He is fiercely dedicated to our hometown and expresses his passion freely. “I just think Palm Springs is a really unique place, and we just try to honor that with what we do. They have this slogan: it’s like no place else.” Taking the mantra to heart, he declares, “We want it to be Wil Stiles, not some other store. I want it to be like no place else. Part of that is positivity, friendliness, and support. I want it to be all those things because that’s what it feels like for me, and I want people to experience that.”

Wil Stiles  |  875 N. Palm Canyon Dr. | 760.327.9764

Discover Holiday House and Sparrows Lodge


Palm Springs is built on reverence and revelry. The glamour of a golden age shimmers across decades and reverberates into a stylish celebration rooted firmly in the here and now.

Holiday House and Sparrows Lodge stand as towering examples of our hometown’s regal past, as well as its resplendent future.

“I think that’s what really attracted us to Palm Springs,” recounts owner Richard Crisman. “It’s not only its beauty in and of itself, with the mountains and the desert, but the community that’s here. It’s a very nurturing community.”  His partner Jeff Brock concurs. “The people that come and visit and live here are so diverse that it’s really such a melting pot of people. And the place itself is diverse. That’s what’s exciting and fun.”

Sparrows Lodge

Richard and Jeff characterize the aesthetics of Palm Springs as a beloved neighbor, discussing the city’s charm as if it’s a personality to be exalted and respected. “Midcentury is what we seem to be known for the most, but there are lots of other influences. There’s Spanish architecture and there’s this ranch architecture that we have, so there’s definitely a mix. Midcentury is kind of the hero of it.”

Breaking it down more granularly, Richard assesses, “I think Holiday House is obviously part of that aesthetic, midcentury. It was built in 1951 and it’s a Herbert Burns building, so it definitely has that vibe. Then on the other side of the scale, you have Sparrows, which is much more of a ranch feeling. It was also built in 1951. We have only enhanced what was there originally.”

Holiday House

Eschewing the spotlight, Jeff credits his friends Doug and Josie Smith with the successful renovation of Sparrows Lodge. “Sparrows was really created by Doug and Josie, we just try to do what we think they would appreciate.” One major component of Sparrow’s signature vibe: serenity. “It’s a small property and TVs would be somewhat disruptive. You would see that blue electric light as you walked around the property at night, and we just didn’t want to have that electronic color visible.”

Sparrows Lodge

So, Jeff and Richard made an executive decision. “Neither one of our hotels have TVs, so the art takes the place of that in a way. It surrounds you.” The walls of both resorts are festooned with an array of paintings and prints, immersing guests in a parallel yet elevated consciousness. “Just being surrounded by art is such a cool thing. Sometimes you may not realize that it’s around you, and then other times you’re standing there staring at something, because you enjoy it and it does something to you. We love the idea of exposing our guests to new and different art.”

Sparrows Lodge has been under the loving care of Richard and Jeff since 2014, and then their family expanded unexpectedly in 2017. “We were not looking for another project,” admits Jeff. “However, when our real estate agent Scott Timberlake called and said, ‘you must come see this right away,’ we did. We loved it and knew we could give it the love it deserved and needed.”

Holiday House

Picking up the baton, Richard continues, “We called our good friend Mark Sikes in LA to help us in the renovation. Mark brought classic colors with a fresh feel. It was a very collaborative effort with Mark, our partners David Dittmer and Britt Shuford (previous owners of Colony Palms and current owners of Sands), Jim Cioffi the architect and Bennett Putterbaugh for landscape. We wanted to give it a fresh feel and yet be respectful of the history; part of that was bringing back the original name, Holiday House. We reviewed lots of old photographs of the property and original brochures to understand the original owners vision for their guests.”

That vision becomes reality when a guest first steps foot across the properties’ lavish-meets-rustic threshold. “The lobby at Sparrows – it’s really a barn – it’s where you check in, you’re given a welcome sangria, and there are places to sit and hang out and you can be social and meet with other guests or you can hang in your room or a private space.”

Holiday House

Richard relies on his trusted staff to extend his haute hospitality to the clientele. “The people who run our hotels are incredible,” he beams. “Jackie, our GM at Sparrows, has been in Palm Springs most of her life. Tara, who’s at Holiday House, has not. So we all have different perspectives.” Jeff echoes these sentiments, adding, “We have an incredible team and none of this would happen without them.”

Their confidence in the squad’s skills frees up more time for altruistic endeavors. “We are supporters of the local community,” explains Richard, “from being founding members in Desert X and the Architectural and Design Museum, to supporting DAP (Desert AIDS Project), The PS Animal Shelter, The Center and Sanctuary among other organizations.”

Extrapolating to the town at large, Jeff bolsters, “We believe in Palm Springs having a bright future, continuing to be diverse while being a hub for modernism and a growing creative and artistic community.  We love seeing the influx of many younger, creative types who have discovered how unique and special Palm Springs is.”

Holiday House

“As a gay couple of 29 years, it’s a very comfortable place to live,” offers Richard. “There are lots of people, gay straight and otherwise, that we have as friends. And that’s what we wanted: a very diverse group of friends. We really love it. It’s a great place, there’s incredible culture, and that’s getting better and better and better.”

Summoning all the majesty of their surroundings, Jeff concludes, “It is so unique. From the geography of this magical place to the mid-century architecture, from the wonder of the desert to jumping in a pool on a warm day, it is so very special and the people that call it home are proud to live here.”

Holiday House | 200 West Arenas | 760.320.8866

Sparrows Lodge | 1330 East Palm Canyon | 760.327.2300

Ride in Style with Bike Palm Springs


In California, our vehicles are our bubbles. They encase us in radio waves, air conditioning, and tinted windows, locking us away from the beauty of our surroundings. But Tony Torres is about to burst that bubble.

Cover More Ground with Bike Palm Springs

“On a bike, you can cover a lot more ground than you normally would in a car,” muses Torres, who co-owns BIKE Palm Springs Rentals with his partner Rocky Wood. “The shop was actually established by Rocky about 11 years ago. He found that it would be a fun thing to do, given there are so many tourists in town. There wasn’t necessarily a lot of bike rental shops and it just kind of picked up and over the last six, seven years. It’s just gotten busier and busier.”

Torres punctuates his sentiments with refreshing earnestness. “It’s fun to deal with the public and tourists.”

While others may utter the word tourist with a hint of disdain, nothing could be further from Tony’s heart. He welcomes visitors to Palm Springs like a gracious host ushering them into his home. That’s because it IS his home. “I’ve lived here my whole life. I’m kind of a true desert rat.”

Bike Palm Springs

Torres swells with pride as he describes the desert. “It’s pretty heavenly,” he narrates. “When people visit, they can take it all in. You can do a little bit of shopping, and a LOT of eating.”

Bike Palm Springs Maps & Guides

But veer not; you won’t be riding blind. Tony prides himself on being a savvy guide who helps you ride with pride. “We’re big on sending people out the door wanting them to come back with a big smile on their face. We kinda play the concierge and provide them with a map of nearby routes, y’know, where to go, where to eat. I like to recommend a lot of my favorite places around town: restaurants and great scenic routes to check out.”

Those routes will invariably feature another of Torres’ passions. “I’m kind of a big fan of architecture,” he explains, noting of his hometown, “It’s a modernist Mecca.”

Bike Palm Springs

Fans of BIKE Palm Springs agree. The striking shop has built (pun firmly intended) a reputation for its nifty nod to the signature style of the city. “We’re becoming more and more popular with Modernism Week, and social media has brought us into a super busy, successful couple of years.” Tony loves the notoriety, continuing, “We’ve been getting a lot of social media influencers that see it online and they’re like, ‘Oh my god, we like that colorful bike shop in Palm Springs!’ It brings attention to us and makes other people want to come in and ride.”

bike palm springs

His business is on the fast track, so Torres needs an inventory to match.

A Bike For Everyone

“You can definitely cover a lot more ground on an electric bike. They’re fast, they’re fun – it’s a novelty for most people, but our guests’ age ranges between mid-30’s to early 80’s. Sometimes people have hip or knee or back issues, and it allows them to get on a bike and pedal around with an assist that makes it effortless. It’s definitely, definitely a lot of fun!”

Speaking of fun, Tony is the maestro of frivolity. His jaunty voice mirrors the rhythm and flow of a joyride on one of his bikes, and he strives to pass that effervescence on to his customers. “We focus on providing personable, friendly service and I think it sets people up for havin’ a good time!”

The community’s collective response: mission accomplished. Torres thrives on the enthusiasm of his clientele, savoring their positive feedback like he’s devouring a protein bar that fuels him on the ride of his life.

bike palm springs

“I had this one guest once, this is kind of my favorite memorable thing that they said: ‘You guys don’t rent bikes; you rent fun.’ And I said, ‘Oh my god, I have to borrow that!’”

And we’re borrowing it right back… or should we say renting. Thanks for everything, Tony – see you on the road.

BIKE Palm Springs Rentals
194 S. Indian Canyon | 760.832.8912

By Kevin Perry

Deepwell Ranch Estates Bike Tour

A Big Lick of Kreem Artisanal Ice Cream

Hand Made In House

By Kevin Perry

Chatting with Bianca Simonian makes you realize that anything is possible, from whipping up a batch of espresso lavender ice cream to launching successful eateries in two desert lands on opposite ends of the earth. Her revelations prompt the listener to do a delicious double take.

For instance, here’s a sample of our conversation: “I was the personal chef of Lucy Lawless for a while. Yeah! She was so cool,” beams Simonian. When asked if the Xena: Warrior Princess star had ever visited Kreem Ice Cream, Simonian answers, “No, because they moved back to New Zealand. That was before I went to Kuwait, so over ten years ago.”

OK, now that you’ve had a taste, let’s dive in for a heaping helping of wait, did she say Kuwait? Yes, indeed!

Bianca’s life story comes billowing out freely, like a blizzard of words pleasantly dusting through her past and carrying us into her present. “I’m from Los Angeles, California. I ended up here basically because my Mom moved out here,” narrates Simonian. “I was kind of tired of the LA scene, and I’m really close to my Mom and I wanted for once in my life to live within driving distance to her.”

Kreem Ice Cream

But something was missing from Simonian’s Palm Springs paradise. “I’ve always been a huge ice cream fan, to say the least, and when I would come out here to visit her, especially when it was hot, we both love ice cream and we’d want ice cream and didn’t find anything artisanal or creative. It was all just kind of the generic stuff goin’ on.”

Never one to accept the status snow, Simonian dug into her roots and unearthed a lifelong ambition. “I’m a chef, I’ve been in the industry forever, and it’s kind of been a dream of mine to have an ice cream shop.”

It’s a dream that spans two decades and three continents, as Bianca delightfully recounts.

“I did do culinary school back in 2000, and I’ve been working in the industry in one way or another since I was 15. After culinary school, I went to London to apprentice under Marco Pierre White, and then I came back to LA and worked at a few restaurants for a few chefs, then did the personal chef thing, tons of catering, went to Kuwait, opened a restaurant, was there for six years, then came back home and ended up here, basically.”

Kreem Ice Cream

Oh, there’s nothing basic about a gastronomic voyage that leads from SoCal to the Saudi Peninsula. Please do go on…

“I went there knowing I wanted to do something because I thought it would be easier, for some reason!” Simonian crafted her Kuwaiti business with an unparalleled determination and a plucky sense of optimism. “Three months into living there, I found a location. I knew I wanted to open a breakfast restaurant, American breakfast, so yeah – I opened that and two years later I had a second one.”

So, how do the deserts of the Middle East and Palm Springs compare? “They both do have that small town feel, that’s for sure,” Bianca assesses. “Coming from LA, you can disappear and not see anyone you know for, like, a year. But somewhere like this or Kuwait, you bump into someone you know everywhere and everyone kinda talks. Yeah!”


Simonian punctuates her sentiments with colorful flourishes of Yeahs and Y’knows, like the rainbow hued sprinkles on her signature confetti Kreem ice cream. She brings her boundless enthusiasm to every dish she prepares, noting, “We try to make as much as possible in-house. I guess that’s the kind of the appeal is that everything’s made here. It’s owner-operated, small batch, and seasonal. I just try to be as creative as I can be with the flavors without turning people off.”

As an aside, Bianca chirps, “I make my own almond milk!”


It’s a labor of luscious love, and Simonian’s ambition never stops churning. “This whole place, Kreem ice cream, was all built by hand – scratch to finish.” With a hearty chuckle, she adds, “Like, I tiled the damn place, I did the floors, you know what I mean? It’s very hands-on and very homemade. Yeah! We just hope you appreciate that.”

Thus far, Palm Springs has responded with a collective Heck Yeah!

“The community has been super-great.” Taking a contemplative beat, Simonian qualifies her statement. “A lot of people do ask, ‘Why did you choose that location?’ and ‘Where do you park? Oh my god!’ But I don’t know! I just have a feeling, you know, and I kind of like being off the beaten path because it becomes like a destination location and it’s a good way to even test your own product and your own skills. It makes it feel more local and cozy. We’ve gotten to know a lot of the locals that live around here and a lot of the small businesses around here and we’re all trying to work together to make this area a little pocket – a cool little pocket in Palm Springs.”

Tucked away in its own sugary Shangri-La, Bianca’s shop is cool, indeed. Chillax to the max and try one of her masterful concoctions the next time you find yourself pocket-adjacent.

Kreem Artisanal Ice Cream + Coffee
170 East Palm Canyon Dr. | 760.699.8129

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Fall in Love, Italian Style, at Il Giardino



Palm Springs has always been a tastemaker, from breezy resort wear to mid-century modern flair. Taste is celebrated, exalted, and amplified at Il Giardino Palm Springs, a hearty slice of heaven nestled in downtown’s soul.

“Everything is housemade,” declares Rosario Cultraro, who owns and operates the charming ristorante with his wife, chef extraordinaire Teresa Attardi. He sings the words “house” and “home” as interchangeable melodies in an orchestra of inclusion, welcoming guests as if they were members of his own famiglia.

Il Giardino
Owner Teresa Attardi

An Italian Transplant

“We are from Novara, near Milan,” he narrates. “It is famous for gorgonzola, which we still get from our cousin in Italy.” This tantalizing trek brings the signature cheese from the cradle of European cuisine to the tables of our grateful hometown. A highlight of Cultraro’s menu is the pear salad with walnuts, graced by the aforementioned gorgonzola goodness that harkens back to his childhood.

When asked why he moved to Palm Springs, Rosario answers bluntly, “The weather.” So, we all have the SoCal heat to thank for cooking up this culinary gem in Palm Springs.

iL Giardino Palm Springs & Family

But Cultraro didn’t leave behind the flavors and family that nurtured his passion for serving robust dining experiences. “We go back to visit every year,” he chimes, explaining that his relatives gather annually for a bonding session – not only with each other but also with the luscious landscape of his homeland. Cultraro uses these pilgrimages as research sojourns to drum up fresh ingredients, which he routinely exports to Palm Springs for another year of excellence aplenty.

“Except for produce,” he quickly adds, “which we get fresh locally.” Oh, don’t worry; we can taste that truth for ourselves, Rosario!

Il Giardino

A Touch of Cream

Cultraro then turns the conversation over lovingly to his wife Teresa, who expounds upon her most beloved dish: salsiccia. “It’s my creation,” admits Ms. Attardi. “I mix Sicilian and Northern together. The salsiccia is my family recipe from Sicily, and I add the cream because even though we usually use tomato sauce, we lived in Novara for 24 years already. I just want to mix a little bit of Northern Italy when I do this, so I add the cream.”

Her husband interjects to praise Teresa’s homemade sausage, the star of her salsiccia. Their words dance together like the charming elements of their delectable dishes, simmering into a perfect mélange of whimsy and welcome.

As Teresa returns her focus to the evening meal at hand, Rosario resumes his front-of-the-house duties. “Our food is fresh, like what you would get from your Mama or Grandmama.” He embraces his ancestors with his bouncy delivery and honors them with his bountiful example. Il Giardino Palm Springs is a love letter to Italy, written in sauce and signed with affection. The understated eatery is a monument of rich textures, luxuriant aromas, and deliciousness by the mile.

But don’t take our word for it; just listen to the maestro of mmm.

Il Giardino

“You must try it at least once, then you can decide for yourself.” Cultraro’s confidence is well earned, as is his place on the Palm Springs gourmet map. He and Teresa have crafted a venerable reputation, but their humility shines through.

Our official interview ends at this point, but the love keeps flowing like vintage vino. Rosario invites us, and by extension, you (the reader), to stop by anytime. “We are ready for you.”

Are you ready for a taste sensation that transcends borders, generations, and expectations? Then book your table with Rosario and Teresa today at iL Giardino Palm Springs.

Il Giardino

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Explore Paradise with Big Wheel Tours

Discover Palm Springs On A Bike Tour

Tourists make the best tour guides. Their exuberance for discovery spurs them forward, their curiosity for details fuels their soul, and their connection with their surroundings becomes contagious until you’re swept into the flow of an adventure in the making.

Meet Big Wheel Tour owner Even Trubee.

Such is the life journey of Evan Trubee, owner of Big Wheel Tours.

Big Wheel Tours

Although he has lived in Palm Springs for two and a half decades, Evan’s enthusiasm for exploration is as vibrant as a cactus flower, which continues to bloom. “I used to come visit out here when I was in high school, and I just fell in love with the desert,” declares Trubee. “I said, ‘As soon as I get out of college, I’m gonna go move out there,’ and sure enough, I did!”

The year was 1993, and the landscape was fertile with possibilities, even if it meant juggling two jobs. “There was a company called Adventure Bike Tours years ago out here,” Trubee recounts. “It was something to do during the day when I waited tables at night. I started working for them as a tour guide, enjoyed the heck out of it, loved the climate, the desert, the area, and working with the tourists and everything!”

Side note: the frequent exclamation points peppering this article aren’t merely editorial flourishes; they accurately depict Evan’s boundless dedication to his craft. He has translated this vigor into his very own business, but like every great expedition, it began with a few small steps.  Or pedals, as the case may be.

Doing What I Love

“So, I started out with bicycles because that’s just what I love. It was my passion; I was cycling anyway. But then I started hiring.” Trubee sought a staff member who would reflect his adventurous qualities and amplify them for the paying public. “If we had a large group, we would put guides on the buses who had a natural science background and could talk about plants, animals, and geology. So that expanded the scope of what I was able to offer.”

Stepping back with a note of reflection, Trubee recalls, “And I said, ‘Well, geez – we’ve already got a decent reputation, concierges and other people are already using us for these outdoor tours anyway, so why not utilize that resource and put the guides into Jeeps and start booking Jeep tours?’ And luckily, it worked.”

Adding Jeeps to Big Wheel Tours

“We’re unique, for sure,” assesses Trubee, who brazenly challenges the larger operations in the area. “We’ve got three Jeeps and two SUVs, so smaller capacity, but I like to think we’re on par in terms of quality.”

Big Wheel Tours

Trubee’s approach melds a personal touch with a professional discipline, and his positivity is inescapable.

“Sometimes we go out on tour, and people are still on their cell phones when we’re in the service [area]. But at a certain point on our tours, you get out of the cell phone coverage, so you have to get your eyes up, be aware of your surroundings, and soak in the natural beauty. So it forces you to do that.”

Love of Landscape

When Evan Trubee describes his love of landscape, it plays like a symphony that echoes through the canyons and forms a majestic harmony with the earth, air, and fiery beauty of the Inland Empire. “It is unique and rugged. The wide-open vistas, the incredible towering mountains, the fact that you’re transitioning between Colorado and Sonora desert.”

Reaching a fever pitch, Trubee exclaims, “Incredible climate! The weather is incredible, with blue skies almost every day. When you live out here all winter, you forget how awful it is in the rest of the country during the winter.”

Endless Summers

A transplant from New Jersey, Trubee repeatedly expresses his appreciation for Palm Springs’s endless summers. “My first couple of years out here, it was so much fun not to deal with winter.” Summoning Riverside County’s warmth, Trubee continues, “It’s exotic. When you grow up back east, it’s hard to believe this is still the United States. I mean, it’s so exotic and arid and otherworldly.”


No wonder he was eager to raise a family in this sprawling utopia, but times have changed since Evan was a youngster. “With my kids, for example, they don’t get out and play as much as I did growing up. I think that’s just a part of our culture.” But Trubee aims to recapture his youth through the work of Big Wheel Tours. “So this is a chance for people to get out and play in the open desert. We take you out to real wilderness areas in Joshua Tree National Park and the San Andreas Fault, and then on your bike, you’re exercising, too. So it is kinda like bringing out the kid in ya.”

Serenity is one of Trubee’s most valuable discoveries among the rocks and ravines of our hometown. “There’s just something about the setting that keeps people relaxed; that forces you, almost, to be relaxed. It’s hard to get stressed out when you live here…” Trubee pauses for effect before extending his hospitality to the world at large, finally adding, “…or visit!”

You took the words right out of our mouths, Evan. So, please be sure to request Big Wheel Tours as your gleeful guide.

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