Peggy's Back - Visit Palm Springs tag-img

Peggy’s Back

Purple Room Entertainment


September 27, 2024    
6:00 pm - 9:15 pm

CHUCK SWEENEY has been dazzling audiences with his delightfully off-center homage to the legendary MISS PEGGY LEE for decades. From New York to Palm Springs, Montreal to Miami Beach and all points in between, Chuck has been fortunate enough to perform in some of the most well known cabarets and theaters in the U.S. and Canada. He was last seen traveling the globe in “Lee Squared: The Liberace and Miss Peggy Lee World Tour!” with David Maiocco as Liberace. His tribute to Miss Lee has been recognized with with two NYC MAC Awards and two Bistro Awards for Outstanding Impersonation and Musical Comedy Duo. He has the imprimatur of Holly Foster-Wells, Peggy’s granddaughter and manager of the Peggy Lee estate. His act will give you “FEVER!”

The image shows a stylized graphic with the words "Peggy's BACK" in a white cursive font at the top. A spotlight shines on the back of a figure with pink hair wearing a bright pink outfit with a fluffy pink detail on the shoulder, against a dark background.